Thursday, May 21, 2015


If one has to play momma to a new kitten, do it when there is a marathon of the last episodes of your favorite TV show.  The Wednesday that began the marathon was the first day of bonding....

MUCH marveling at the very tiny-ness of it all.  
Within a few days, I did find I needed to start snipping the tiny razor edges growing on his paws.
The vet says it would be easy....

It is very hard to have such a cotton ball of a foot, trying to hold a perpetual motion bag of feathers under one arm to pinch out the little claws, but she assured me that the more things he got used to as a kitten, the easier it will be as an adult. 

As a self-employed artist I had way too much time on my hands.  Watch TV until the guy got run over by the lawn mower, wake up to Megan babysitting in California.... and it went on until the final Sunday... The day before my birthday.

So I now have this Thing to heal the empty hole....

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